Shakespeare Saturdays Contacts

Join the Shakespeare Saturdays Email List
To get the news of all upcoming events (i.e. auditions, performances and special notices) by email please join our Google Group by entering your email below and clicking the Subscribe button.


Click here to visit this Google group web page.

Resume Submission Guidelines

Headshot must be in JPG or GIF format. Resume must be in Word DOC or PDF format. Links to websites are OK, but not preferred. When you submit by email, we'll put you on the Google Group email list so you won't miss the audition time and place information.

MoonBeam.Net productions, in conjunction with the New York Public Library presents Shakespeare Saturdays, A Free Reading Series Celebrating the Diversity of Upper Manhattan.

Executive Producer and Resident Composer: Donna Kendall Stearns

Artistic Director: Jason Kendall

Made possible by the generous support of
The New York Public Library

MoonBeam.Net Productions     |     The Inwood Astronomy Project